Invitación al Festival de Wolodga
Mis amigas rusas me han enviado esta invitación para el Segundo Festival de encajes en la ciudad de Wolodga. Si queréis ir os recomiendo que aprendáis a leer el alfabeto cirílico porque de lo contrario no sabréis qué tren coger en la estación…..pero el mal trago se pasa con una taza de té de agua recién hervida en el samovar que llevan todos los vagones.
El edificio que veis en la foto es el Museo de Encajes .Es un palacio con salas enormes y los encajes están impecablemente expuestos. En un próximo artículo os podré fotos de la colección de este museo.
Форма регистрации участника eng 2014
of the II International Lace Festival “Vita-Lace”-2014,
25 June, Wednesday
Throughout the day – arrival of the participants of the Festival and their accommodation.
After 14.00 – Check-in of the participants of the Festival /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/.
14.00-18.00 – Organization of stands for the exhibition-competition «Lace of Olympus» /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/.
26 June, Thursday
8.30 – 10.30 – Check-in of the participants of the Festival /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/.
09.00 – 10.30 – Organization of work of the fair /Kremlin Square/.
09.00–11.00 – Organization of stands for the exhibition-competition «Lace of Olympus» /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/.
From 11.00 – The exhibition-competition “Lace of Olympus” is open to visitors /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/.
13.00 –14.00 – The opening of V.A. Yudashkin’s fashion exhibition /the Arts Department of the Wologda Kremlin/.
15.00 – 17.00 – Meeting of The International Bobbin and Needle Lace Organization, OIDFA members /the Museum of Lace, Museum studio/.
10.30 – 17.30 – Work of the fair /Kremlin Square/.
18.00 – 20.00 – Grand opening ceremony of the II International Lace Festival “Vita-Lace”-2014.
27 June, Friday
10.00 – 12.00 – Action “Lace Heart of the Olimpics-2014” /Kremlin Square/.
14.00 – 17.00 – Round table discussion “Lace in the Modern World” /the Museum of Lace, the main gallery/.
– Fashion-show with participation of the guests of the Festival / the Wologda Kremlin, Consistory yard/.
10.00 – 18.00 –– Work of the fair /Kremlin Square/.
28 June, Saturday
10.00 – 11.30 – Master-class on creating lace patterns /the Museum of Lace, museum studio, exhibition halls/.
12.00 – 13.00 – Award ceremony of the winners of the exhibition-competition “Lace of Olympus” /Kremlin Square/.
– Theatricalized show with participation of Russian performers /Kremlin Square/.
0.00 – 18.00 –– Work of the fair /Kremlin Square/.
Throughout the Festival time
– Work of exhibition-competition “Lace of Olympus” /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/ (26 June – 11.00- 20.00; 27, 28 June – 10.00 – 20.00).
– Work of V.A. Yudashkin’s fashion exhibition /the Arts Department of the Wologda Kremlin/ (26 June – 12.00 – 20.00; 27, 28 June – 10.00 – 20.00).
– Photo-exhibition “The International Lace Festival “Vita Lace” – 2011. Reminiscence of the Lace Snowflake” /the SouthwestTower of the Wologda Kremlin/ (every day – 10.00-20.00).
– Work of the permanent exposition of the Museum of Lace and the exhibition “Folk art of the Ryazan Region” /12, Kremlin Square/ (every day – 10.00-20.00).
– Excursion program for the participants of the Festival.